MEL ORGÂNICO é um afrodisíaco natural para homens que desejam melhorar seu desempenho antes de fazer sexo.
É um estimulante e um fortificante natural composto de pólen de tâmara, uma mistura de ervas da floresta tropical, bem como um sachê MEL 24 ORGÂNICO aprimorado com geleia real. Lute naturalmente contra a impotência! Este produto apresenta-se na forma de palitos de 10 gramas para serem ingeridos 1 hora antes do laudo. É 100% natural, muito eficaz e um grande sucesso. RYAL HONEY PLUS contém mel 100% puro, enriquecido com geleia real, mel de abelha e uma fina mistura de ervas da floresta tropical. É rico em minerais proteicos, vitaminas, aminoácidos e enzimas digestivas.
ROYAL HONEY PLUS is an immediate energy source that stimulates nutrient absorption, improves skin tone, prevents aging, and has a cooling effect on the body. It contains no preservatives, artificial colors, and flavors. The natural raw black honey produced by the world’s largest bees in the forests of Southeast Asia (where the rainforest is more than 100 million years old).
This local quality of raw black honey is the best in the world because nutrition is so unique that you can not find it anywhere else. The benefits of honey have been closely associated with humans for a long time. More than 9000 years ago, in a rock shelter in the mountains of eastern Spain, a primitive artist recorded the exploits of a brave individual surrounded by bees reaching a cavity to steal raw honey.
Creatures that have survived for hundreds of millions of years. C ‘ is the only insect that produces a whole range of superfoods sought by all humanity. The superfood can make your heart stronger, younger, increase the immune system, increase endurance and good complexion, without wrinkles, and much more. Honey can instantly restore energy losses, constituting a rich source of carbohydrates.
A teaspoon of honey provides 100 calories. Medical research has proven that raw honey can stimulate the libido of humans. Benefits: – Improve Immunity – Prevent Arthritis and Multiple Sclerosis – Treat It
Como usar:
Uma saqueta a cada 3 dias, quando necessário.